What is the difference between a tiny home & relocatable home?
Have you ever thought about ditching the typical 3 bedroom/2 bathroom house, packing everything up and moving off grid into a tiny house?
More and more people are realising that you don’t need to live close to a capital city to be able to find work, and remote working has shown employees don’t need to live close to the office to be able to do their job.
Is a tiny house looking more and more attractive? Well, it might actually be a relocatable home that you are looking for. While similar, there are some key differences that might make your choice between a tiny house or relocatable home easier.
So, what are the differences between a tiny home and a relocatable home?
When you see pictures of tiny houses on Instagram or Pinterest, you’re usually looking at a very small kitchen with a loft bed above that would make anyone over 5ft 10 wince. Add a tiny dining area and an even smaller bathroom, it doesn’t leave much room for living.
With a relocatable home, it feels more spacious, like a granny flat. You have the ability to have a separate bedroom (on ground level), enough space for a decent sized kitchen and a small lounge or two.
If you’re excited by the thought of living in a tiny space and downsizing your possessions dramatically, then a tiny home is for you. However, if you’re looking to downsize, but still want to have the option of separate zones like in a typical home, you’ll love the design of our relocatable homes.
A common misconception with tiny homes on wheels is that they can be hooked onto your car and towed from destination to destination. The fact is, the cost of purchasing & maintaining a vehicle that is large enough to be able to tow most tiny homes on wheels can be inhibiting. This combined with the amount of times that tiny homes on wheels are actually moved, makes it a less than economical option.
Purpose-built relocatable homes can, of course, be relocated if needed. For example, our Woodsman cabin comes packaged as a plug in and go unit and can be easily connected to your mains services or off grid set up. This makes it easy to disconnect those same services when you go. Our cabins are craned in on delivery, and can be craned to another location if you need it moved. Whilst it can be perceived that this means of transporting a home can be expensive, it is far more economical than purchasing a suitable tow vehicle for a tiny home on wheels.
Council Approval
One of our relocatable homes being built - The Woodsman
The great thing about our relocatable homes is that they can be classified as a Class 1 dwelling, which means you can obtain the relevant council permits for them. Which in turn means your relocatable home can increase in value like a typical house over time. Your relocatable home will not only be a place for you to live, or spend your holidays, it will be a great investment.
A typical tiny house on wheels, in most shires, cannot obtain a permit without special exception (which is a long drawn out process). This means that other factors such as finance, warranties and insurance are inhibited by the inability to obtain a permit.
If you think a relocatable home is right for you, contact us to learn more about our available relocatable homes in Victoria. We can also transport our relocatable homes Australia wide!